Document 1991 DOCN M94A1991 TI AIDS and disability. DT 9412 AU Butler D; World Institute on Disability, Oakland, CA 94612-1500. SO Int Conf AIDS. 1994 Aug 7-12;10(1):405 (abstract no. PD0229). Unique Identifier : AIDSLINE ICA10/94370584 AB HIV-related disability is an international AIDS issue. In industrialized nations, treatment advances and early identification of HIV infection means that people are now living for years with HIV as a chronic disease and a disability. AIDS-related visual, hearing, mobility, speech, and neurological and psychiatric disabilities are prevalent. As disabled people, people living with HIV face similar issues faced by other disabled people: they need access to an affordable and comprehensive continuum of health and social services; need personal assistance services and long term care; need rehabilitation; need accommodations to main employment; need to fight stereotypic societal attitudes; and need civil rights and human rights protections. Due to the escalating pandemic in developing countries, AIDS will soon become the most prevalent disabling condition in the world. With no cure for AIDS in sight, as the epidemic continues, the devastating social consequences such as the loss of human potential, economic losses, widespread societal discrimination and human rights abuses will pervade. The Disability Community has dealt with similar issues facing people with HIV/AIDS for over 20 years. People with HIV have benefitted from the work of people with disabilities--specifically the landmark passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The ADA specifically prohibits discrimination on the basis of HIV status. The disability rights and independent living movement in the U.S. provides an interesting model on methods to organize communities, deliver services and advocate for civil rights laws to protect people with AIDS worldwide. The World Institute on Disability (WID) a public policy center in California will present its disability and human rights perspective as it applies to persons with HIV/AIDS, and share its work creating new service models for persons with HIV/AIDS. DE Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome/EPIDEMIOLOGY/PHYSIOPATHOLOGY/ *REHABILITATION California Disabled/LEGISLATION & JURISPRUD/*REHABILITATION/STATISTICS & NUMER DATA Human Human Rights HIV Infections/EPIDEMIOLOGY/PHYSIOPATHOLOGY/*REHABILITATION Prevalence United States/EPIDEMIOLOGY MEETING ABSTRACT SOURCE: National Library of Medicine. NOTICE: This material may be protected by Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.Code).